Are you one of the guys who faced toughness in writing correct spelling in English dictation or written exams?
It is quite natural in the English language to make mistakes in spelling words like in all other languages.
In English, there are words that are written by alphabets that do not sound the actual sound as required by the word.
In a few other languages, the alphabet carries a specific sound, so the mistakes will not be much in writing the words.
But in English, the alphabet sound something, and using correct spelling by using these alphabets to make them sound so is tough.
For example, you need to write a word with spelling as “COFFEE,” but can’t you write it as “KAUPHY”? Not as per grammar rules.
But in the above two words, though the spelling is different, the sound is the same for both.

Yet, for the sake of universal similarity in language, one needs to write it as coffee only and not otherwise. To avoid these spelling mistakes, you can rely on grammarly.
But in other languages like the above term, coffee can be written by only two or a few letters, and none can make a mistake; this is the specialty of languages with their own terminology and simple alphabets.
Why correct spelling is important in English:
English has two different types of wording, as per my knowledge of U.S. English and U.K. English.
For example, the word “color” is from U.K. English, while the same word is written as “color” by U.S. terminology.
So one has to stick to one of the types, either the U.S. or U.K. type. But whatever the type, we need to follow the correct spelling for the following reasons.
1. To keep uniformity
- Uniformity in the English language is better for the use of language in the whole world.
- Different spellings of the same word will be very confusing.
- Since the expression of ideas has no limits and is spread across the globe, it is good to have the same set of spelling for the whole world.
2. To avoid confusion & sound the correct word,
- By the word, ‘coffee’ everyone understands but not “kauphy.”
- They may mistake it for something else.
- Similarly, the words “know” and “now” are quite different.
3. To give the actual meaning.
- For example, discreet and discrete seem to sound similar, but in fact, both have different meanings when used in a sentence.
- Discreet means avoiding, causing offense by language,
- While discrete means separate or distinct.
- So both words have different meanings with a small change in the alphabet.
4. To limit the number of words
- English dictionaries are regularly updated to incorporate new words and their meanings.
- It seems there are thousands of words in English already, unlike in otherĀ languages.
- Keeping one spelling for one-word limits further the addition of words for the same meaning.
5. To keep the English language within certain limits
- If one is allowed to use the alphabet to just sound the word without consideration of actual spelling, the English language will be out of limits for normal usage.
- For example, while we chat, we use a word like “YOU” with just “U,” similarly good night as “GDN8,” and many more.
- This is easy to use, and since chatting is a private affair, it seems obvious to use such spellings.
- But when we use or operate software and apps related to English, like iPhones, mobiles, computers, etc.
- They are coded to recognize only the exact words and not otherwise.
- This helps keep the English language within its limits with reference to spelling in words.
- It is also comfortable to read for everyone as there is only one style of writing spelling.
- That is why during schooling, teachers stress the usage of correct spellings as it becomes a habit as one grows up.