Cells in the Human Body | 14 Types with Examples and Functions

Human Cells are of different types based on their structure and function.

A Cell is the basic unit of life, and a group of them forms tissues, and further, a group of tissues forms an organ.

Thus, human cells are designed by nature to meet the end anatomy and physiological requirements.

Different Types of Human Cells by Structure

Structurally, Cells are of various kinds, like

1. Bone cells

  • These cells, unlike others, are the hardest of the body cells.
  • The presence of calcium and phosphate material binds them together.
  • They provide structural shape, strength, and movement to the body.
  • Forming bone cages, they help enclose and protect essential organs like the brain, heart, lungs, eyes, etc.

2. Cartilage cells (Chondrocytes)

  • These cells are part of the cartilage bones in the body.
  • They are similar to bone cells, but they form flexible elastic tissue due to the binding material.
chondrocyte cells
Chondrocyte cells spread in the matrix.
  • The matrix around these chondrocyte cells is loose and flexible compared to those of bone cells.
  • Hence, the cartilage tissue can be freely bent, as in the external ear.
  • They form the ear pinna, knee caps, and intervertebral discs and are also present in between large bones to help them move freely, like in between two ribs, spinal bones, and joints.

3. Nerve cells

  • These cells are part of the nervous system.
  • Some of these cells are the longest cells of the body, ranging up to 100 centimeters in length.
nerve cell body showing dendrites, axon and myelin sheath
Structure of a nerve cell
  • Structurally, they are long, with many branches at either end.
  • Unlike other cells, they never undergo cell division or multiply during their lifetime.
  • Once formed during the fetus stage, they live until the entire life of an individual.
  • They are present all over the body and extend to the superficial and deeper parts of the body.
  • These cells are found in the brain and the spinal cord. They combine to form the nervous tissue.

4. Epithelial cells

epithelial cell with cilia and microvilli on apical surface
  • These cells form surface-covering tissues.
  • They are of different shapes and sizes, like cuboidal, flattened, columnar, etc.
  • They can be found as covering layers for all the organs and as inner linings.
  • They are present in the skin, scalp, respiratory tract, digestive tract, over the surface of the heart, and more.
  • Ex: Skin cells, mucous cells.
  • They also form essential structures, like the nephrons in the kidney, that help filter the blood.

5. Muscle cells

  • These cells are responsible for the movements of the body.
  • They are also called myocytes and are present in the muscle tissues.
  • They are rich in proteins like actin and myosin, which are involved in the contraction and relaxation process.
  • They are mostly long and large and can provide movements to the body.
  • There are three types of muscle cells, viz., the skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle cells.
  • Skeletal muscle cells are attached to long bones and assist in their movements (by muscle contraction).
skeletal muscle cells with bands and nucleus.
  • They are also called striated cells as they have bands or striations on them, as seen above (white and red bands).
  • These bands indicate actin and myosin filaments, which help in contraction.
  • Cardiac muscle cells are present only in the heart muscle and responsible for heartbeats.
cardiac cells showing branches in between along with bands and nucleus.

  • These are also striated but have branches with others.
  • Smooth muscle cells are flexible yet can contract and relax with ease.
  • They are present in the stomach, intestine, and blood vessel walls (vascular tissue), helping move food through the gut.
smooth muscle cells with nucleus
  • Muscle cells also store glucose, which generates the body’s energy and heat.

6  Secretory cells

  • These cells, as the name indicates, are secretory in function.
  • Their size is comparatively large and mostly present in the glands.
  • They secrete specific secretions containing enzymes or hormones.


a) Salivary gland cells called acini secrete saliva

b) Gastric cells present in the stomach secrete gastric juice.

7. Adipose cells

  • Fat cells are spread in a loose areolar matrix to form adipose tissue.
  • Adipocytes are large and filled with large fat globules, which causes the nucleus to be pushed to one side.
  • These adipose tissue cells are mainly seen in the soles, palms, and bums below the skin.

Their main function is

  1. To store energy (as fat)
  2. Prevent heat loss from the skin.
  3. Maintain body temperature,
  4. Reduce friction due to contact with hard surfaces.

8. Blood cells

red blood cells and white blood cells with shape

These cells include three basic types, like

a) Red blood cells (RBCs):

  • These cells are called corpuscles and are not living in nature due to the absence of a nucleus in them.
  • They are red-colored due to the presence of pigment hemoglobin. Their primary role is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

b) White blood cells (WBCs):

  • Unlike RBCs, they have a nucleus and are living.
  • They are of five different types and play a prominent role in body defense against pathogens.

c) Thrombocytes (platelets).

  • These cells are the small of the three and are involved in the process of hemostasis, i.e., blood clot formation, to prevent bleeding due to injury.
  • These cells are always motile and never stay in one place. They have a limited lifespan before they are destroyed in the body.
  • Unlike other cells, they never multiply to form new cells. Instead, new cells are formed from other cells.

Cell types based on their function

Different cells carry out distinct functions in the body, like

Conductive cells

  • Nerve cells and muscle cells come under this category.
  • They have an inherent ability to conduct an electric impulse from one region to other distant body areas.

Connective cells

  • They help connect other cells and tissues.

Glandular cells

  • These cells are secretory in nature.
  • They form glands like the pancreas, salivary glands, etc., and help produce enzymes, hormones, etc.

Storage cells

  • Adipose cells, some liver cells, store materials like fat for later use.
  • This fat is consumed in times of starvation and excess cold temperatures.

Supportive cells

  • These are the cells that are present as support to adjacent cells.

Ex: The Glial cells present in the brain and spinal cord nourish the nerve cells and protect them from shocks and trauma.

The special type of cells

  • These are specialized cells with some crucial functions. They are

a) Sperms

sperm structure
Sperm cell with its parts in detail
  • These cells, unlike others, have haploid DNA with 23 chromosomes (i.e., have only one set of chromosomes).
  • They are present only in males after puberty in the seminal vesicles.
  • These cells have a tail that enables them to swim and move in the female uterus.
  • They also release an enzyme hyaluronidase, which helps them penetrate through uterine tissue and reach the oocytes.

b) Oocytes

  • Cells are haploid and present in the adult female genital system.
  • They are also haploid, like the sperms.
  • They start to form after puberty and continue so till the stage of menopause.
  • They accept sperm cells to form a zygote (fertilized egg). This zygote further grows in the uterus to form a baby.

c) Stem cells

  • These are parent cells that can differentiate into any other body cell when required.
  • These stem cells have gained prominence due to their promising role in treating diseases.

d) Rods & cones of eyes

  • They contain photosensitive pigments that help to capture the light and convert it into a nerve impulse.

e) Ciliated cells

  • These cells are in the lining of the respiratory tract and esophagus and have threadlike cilia, which move in one direction.
  • Their movement helps move food from the buccal cavity into the stomach and phlegm and other wastes out of the respiratory tract.

f) Blood cells

  • These are quite interesting cells as they are freely moving in the body. Blood cells freely flow in the liquid blood.
  • Some of them are not alive (RBCs), while others are alive and have varied shapes like WBCs and platelets (spindle shape).
  • Further, these WBCs are of different types. Of them, macrophages can eat (gulp) any foreign particle like bacteria in the body. Hence, they are body defense cells.

g) Islets of the Pancreas

  • These cells secrete pancreatic hormones like insulin and glucagon.

h) Hepatocytes

  • These cells are present in the liver and constitute 80% of its mass. They are involved in breaking down toxins like drugs and other waste materials.
  • The cells are large with many mitochondria and abundant endoplasmic reticulum to help liver function.
  • Unlike other body cells, they are the only ones that can regenerate.

i) Kupffer cells

  • These cells are located in the liver and are modified macrophage cells.
  • They destroy the old and worn-out red blood cells in the liver.

J) Goblet cells

  • These cells are dispersed in the inner layer of the small intestine, and they secrete mucus.

K) Paneth cells

  • They secrete anti-microbial proteins and help defend against pathogens in the intestine.

L) Mesangial cells

  • These cells are found in the glomerulus of the nephron in between the capillary loop.
  • They help to remove trapped residues to keep the filter free of clogging.

Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on Human Cells

Human body cells

1 / 4

This cell is haploid in nature

2 / 4

Which cell can transform into another body cell

3 / 4

Which cells in the human body help in the clotting of blood?

4 / 4

What type of cells are responsible for transmitting electrical signals in the human body?

Your score is

The average score is 0%


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.

  1. How many cells are present in the human body?

    By an estimate, there are 37 trillion cells in our body.

  2. Are there any significant differences between animal and human cells?

    There are no significant differences between the cells of animals and humans.
    However, there are quite a lot between animal and plant cells.

  3. How many chromosomes are in a human Somatic cell?

    Somatic cells are normal body cells, and they have 46 chromosomes.

  4. Are human cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

    Human cells are eukaryotic in nature. They have a well-defined nucleus.


  1. Book-Campbell Biology.
  2. Role of Adipose tissue.
  3. Anatomy and Physiology by Ross and Wilson.

Leave a comment

  1. So are cells free roaming in the lungs.? Can viruses attach to them in the lung then multiply.? I’ve seen videos that say you cannot CATCH a virus. The body gets rid of the viral load naturally when external forces, i.e., electromagnetic fields, are increased. Apparently, to get a virus, it needs to be injected into the body. Please explain.????????

    • Hi David, seems you are talking about alveolar macrophages which can roam in the airway tract to arrest foreign particles. These cells are meant to engulf viruses and other foreign particles and destroy them.
      These macrophages can produce antibodies against virus particles which arrest them and help reduce viral load naturally. Hence, most viral infections including recent covid-19 are self-limiting in the body.
      I am not sure of electromagnetic effects on viruses. But in general, these waves at specific frequencies can have an effect on the genetic component of cells including the virus.
      Viruses can enter the body through the air (respiratory tract, blood I,e, by infection or another way of contact where body fluids can be involved.

      Alveolar macrophages.

  2. wow who knew learning about cells are complicated, but thanks anyway it's really helped in my homework and examination.

  3. Well done
    An excellent work although I was not biological student but this work addicted me towards it and now lam a biology student

  4. I am a new teacher and this way of listing the cells and their functions is extremely helpful. Thank you!!

  5. This was a really helpful website and it helped me a lot on what i needed to learn for when i grow up and become a student at McMaster and i hopefully can use these notes when im studying and one day ill become a surgen

  6. I want to know y males have RBCs more than female..???

    And again this site is very useful for me and all….:) 🙂

    • @shyamnathani! RBC is needed to transport the oxygen from lungs to issues for generation of energy. Male body generates androgens (hormones) which triggers excess RBC formation. This excess RBC is required as male has more muscle mass and energy requirement than a female. Hence you can also notice that male hemoglobin level is 13-18 gm/dl while female HB level is 12-17 gm/dl. So in males not only RBC count but also HB level is high to meet the energy demands. And of-course male muscle mass is again due to andorgens.

  7. this is very helpful, thank you very much but What types of cells protect us from infection and help repair cell damage?

  8. thx alot 2 who ever took their time to do this article now it may help me pass the 6th grade and not get held back

  9. this is going to help me a lot now I will ace my project because I just used all of your information thanks again

  10. Extremely informative and helpful. I was required to create a project on cell size and function and this article helped me with almost every necessary requirement on the rubric. Thankyou!

  11. OMG this website helped me so much where did u get this great info?
    Thank you by the way but, please answer my Question!!!

  12. this site really helped me a lot and you know what i am in grade 10 and this was my holiday homework my tutor will be very happy when he sees this work ready for100% go alsie…………

  13. Hi my name is ashleigh i am yr 7 last term i learnt about cells
    Just to clarify that you now you left out a few
    Like egg cell
    But by that it has helped with homework 😀 thanks ♡


    • you guys are actually right it really helps. I’m 12 and want to be a doctor so need all these information to learn. Thank you for who ever wrote this amazing article. 😉 🙂

  15. why i can’t copy this article to make it my personal notes 🙁
    anyway thanks a lot, very helpful 🙂


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