What Career is Right for Me ? 10 Things to Consider and Decide

Having a peaceful and prosperous career is essential for better health, longevity and family life.

But because of so many changes in education and career options, one may get confused in deciding his career.

Some believe it is better to move to distant places with better salary options is better idea.

While some opt for small jobs in their hometowns to lead a contented life.

Few peope tend to stay at their native place, without opting for education or career prospects at distant places.

But what can be the right choice?

Things to consider for Right career


Human is a social animal; and many of us will not be able to live without a family.

During studies, we might plan to go for a distant place due to the quality of education.

But after education, the chances of finding a career in distance land is possible.

This leads to the weakening of the family relations in many cases.

There would be instances where people can’t attend their elder’s funeral, the marriage of other family members, etc.


A person who has grown and brought up in one place with certain food habits always suffers from improper nutrition in new places.

Yet for the sake of their career, they forego these luxuries.

What Career is Right for Me

But if health is not taken care of at a young age, it will be difficult to correct later.

Even we see many cases where people get chronic diseases like diabetes even below or around the thirties.

This is due to malnutrition and intense stress of staying away from home for long.


This is the prime reason why people run away abroad.

They wish to save their salary by keeping their expenses limited and send remaining to homes.

But how long can one continue so?

Even there are many staying in home towns and making thousands of dollars yet are with their families.

Interest-based career

Some run away to different educations like astrobiology or other courses to pose they have special interests.

Yet you can see many great inventors and discoveries are being done by people in rural places.

These people have even gained huge fame for their findings.

right career

So,check if you are having any of these conditions for work and money.

Then plan accordingly.


Like if you like nature, with a peace of mind, no politics etc., then it is good to take up agriculture.

Those who give up and stay at home

These are very few sets of guys who have some education and later quit to pursue jobs.

These kinds of guys have some small family-based income sources and fully concentrate on it for betterment.

  1. They have no work, so they don’t waste their brains, efforts for other benefits and hence give 100% of their time for families or personal interests.
  2. These people may have a low income, yet they are content with it and not demanding. They don’t spend more money on mobiles, the internet, gadgets, etc.
  3. They try to make use of any benefits given by the governments over the period as they are free always and watching the social happenings around for any government favors to public.
  4. They are quite healthy than hard-working guys as they sleep, eat, and laugh with the whole heart without any stress or tension.
  5. They don’t roam much like fellow employees (travel is a giant killer of a healthy life span).
  6. They take good care of family especially children, and hence their children get lots of love from parents.
  7. They don’t try to make contact with friends of school or college etc., as they don’t intend to use them in the future.
What Career is Right for Me - talk to friends

If they maintain friends, they will have honest friends

Those who have some jobs near their home town.

These guys have the benefits of the above two sorts of people. Their only dissatisfaction can be a lack of a good position or a huge salary, but they are better than the other two in most ways.

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