Writing a lab report in chemistry is one of the most significant challenges.
Students have to undertake laborious research and prove the received data.
Moreover, they have to explain the outcomes.
Your chemistry laboratory report should have three main parts
- Pre-lab,
- In-lab, and
- Post-lab work.
Let’s get closer to each section.
Pre-Lab Preparations
Prior to starting your research, you ought to be confident that you know all the essentials.
These include:
- The title page. The title of your lab report is supposed to look like this:

The introduction.
A single paragraph that explains your major purposes, objectives, hypothesis, and materials.
You ought to use an appropriate format as per your institute’s norms.
When considering the format, you may use this template to understand what is required.

- You should explain your procedure in detail to clarify how you have reached your results.
- Conventionally, the entire procedure is presented in the form of a table, which contains all records that you made during the experiment. These are facts without any interpretations of their meaning.
- You are supposed to describe the meaning of the received data. Analyze and discuss the numbers you got by your calculations. They show whether you have proved your hypothesis.
- A brief paragraph summarizing the whole process of the experiment and the outcomes.
- Graphics and figures. Keep in mind that each piece of research must have graphics with figures that support your report.
For instance, you can use the following image-sample to understand how your graphics are supposed to look like

Do you think that will do for you? No! To make the process funnier, learn some crucial tips:
- The introductory section should consist of 4-5 sentences.
- State your hypothesis in a single sentence.
- Mention the purpose of your experiment and give some background.
- Use the flowchart to give a more precise comprehension of how things will develop.
You ought to be brief and informative. Make the beginning catchy. Do not forget to add proven sources to all methods you use.
In-Lab Responsibility
Things run much easier if you prepare beforehand. Nevertheless, they don’t guarantee your success for 100%.
Have some snacks and a nap. You have a lot to write and study ahead.
The in-lab work consists of taking data and observations. Depending on your assignment, conduct the necessary research and see what you will receive.
You are advised to register all reactions that took place during your experiment. Afterward, you will use the data in your final report version.
Note all ideas and observations that occurred to your mind during the research. However, have a draft first. Don’t write everything at once.
You would like to review your conclusions and compare them with your initial predictions.
Post-Lab Analysis
After you write the main part, you may breathe at ease.
Nonetheless, if you believe you are already through this nightmare, you are wrong! You are supposed to work out the outcomes.
Therefore, cheer up and make ready for analysis.
What would you need?
- Recopy data from the in-lab part and transfer it into a more readable form.
- Write out all formulas used in your calculations.
- Verify your methods and calculations once again.
- Answer all questions and draw the final conclusion.
You should find references and write them correctly.
Mind that you are obliged to stick to the assigned format.
How to write a lab report title page
As shown in the picture above, the title page should have the following
- Clear title of the project or experiment
- Your name and address of your school. (Also instructor name)
- Date
We hope this guide was informative and revealed the right way to you.