Organic chemistry is a vast subject with many structures, reactions and classifications.
It is very tough to pass organic chemistry exams by average preparation and practice.
So here are tips and the best way to study organic chemistry.
Organic chemistry means the study of organic compounds.
It is studied partly during graduation and post graduation studies.
But mugging up or practicing the topics hard without understanding the core concept would lead to mistakes in the exam.
Hence, we need to study the subject in detail yet by understanding every concept for better grades.
Best way to study organic chemistry
To have a proper command of the organic chemistry, one needs to have known and understand following aspects well. If understood well, then you will like the subject and also enjoy reading it and writing it with passion in the exams.
- Types of chemical reactions
- Classes of compounds
- Different types of bonds and their effect on the molecule.
- Reactions to identify the compounds
- Nomenclature and numbering of molecules
- Isomers, racemic mixtures, etc.
Types of chemical reactions: These are the reactions which are quite specific to organic chemistry. They are based on changes in molecular bonds, functional groups, synthesis or breakdown of compounds. They are many in numbers and some of them are named after scientists who discovered them. So, it is important to remember the scientist name beside the name of reaction.Classes of compounds: There are many classes of organic compounds. They vary in physical and chemical properties. They have different aspects to be learned for each class. See details on examples of organic compounds.
Of them, some of them are very important and frequently asked in exams.
Types of bonds and their effects: Organic chemistry has a different set of bonds than inorganic chemistry. Besides regular ionic and covalent bonds, there are resonance bonds, multiple bonds which decide the chemical properties of the compounds. So, having an idea of bond would help to determine the progress of reactions, the requirement of reactions, etc.
Identification of compounds: This is one of the vast topics in organic chemistry vital especially in lab work. These reactions are also based on scientists names in most cases.
Nomenclature and numbering of molecules: This is quite hardest and tricky part of organic chemistry. Many tend to make mistakes in this aspect as they make mistakes in numbering or do not understand the meaning. Also, the presence of functional groups makes it even hard to name and number the compounds.
For example: In a benzene ring, when there is substitute, the position next to substitute is called ortho = “straight”, meta = “next” and para = “similar” positions. If you mug up this instead of understanding the terminology, you always tend to make mistakes. The addition and removal of substitutes at these positions require different levels of energy. Addition of substitute at one position is hard while it is easy at other position. If one understands this, he will not make mistakes regarding them. So understanding the meanings give a lot of information.
Isomers, racemic mixtures: This aspect of science is unique for organic compounds. Compounds exhibiting this nature can be classified as dextro-rotatory (+) and levorotatory (-). Also, they will have differences even in the reactions.
Also, read differences between organic and biochemistry.