Role of Teacher in Students Life, Classroom & Society

Teachers play a vital role in education and also student’s life.

A person with proper vision, experience, and an education degree can enter the teaching profession.

Teaching job is more of a responsibility than a  mere job.

It has an impact on the growth and well-being of the nation.

The teacher today is quite diverse from the past and has an extensive role in almost every occupation.

In many cases of successful people, there seems to be a good teacher who groomed them.

The relation between them also seems to be very harmonious with complete dedication and respect. This phenomenon is very useful for the progress of the community.

Role of Teacher in Students Life

Starting from elementary school, a teacher plays an important role only next to the parents in molding the children. They are to be handled with affection, courtesy, and discipline.

A Child generally keeps a watch on the teacher’s life. So, a teacher has to maintain a good set of manners and try to be a role model.

This not only helps the children adopt it but also improves their respect and regards to their teacher.role of teacher in student life

Teachers should encourage student welfare programs, sports, tutoring, etc. during regular school days.

Even education trips are to be included in the school life of the children.

It is common that children try to imitate their teachers out of inspiration from them.

Hence, the teacher should try to balance his mindset by not showing fear, anxiety, over-excitement. He must maintain his coolness and be of the composed mind.

The student’s point of view must always be considered once before the teacher applies his opinion on them.

In case, the parents concerned are willing to meet, the teacher must be ready to listen and cooperate with them. It is also advised to have some contact with parents for ease of communication.

Parents can observe their child’s behavior at home and also notify the progress or any problems regarding understanding the subjects.

The phrase “The relationship between a teacher and student should be like a fish and water but not like a fish and fisherman.” is to be considered once by every teacher.

Give respect and take respect is a social policy… But in a student and teacher’s relation, it changes to “give affection & attention and take respect and regards  from the student.”

Role of Teacher in Classroom

In the classroom, before beginning to teach, a teacher must aim to get everyone listening to him. Further,

1. He must try to see if the students are healthy and actively involved in the curriculum.

2. An ideal teacher should be impartial, disciplined, not affected by respect, insult, and at all times be courteous.

3. The teaching should be done from the level (knowledge) of the learner. For this, the teacher has to ascertain the knowledge of the students in the first few classes.

Once, their information levels are understood, the teaching of topics should start from their level. Then gradually upgrade the students to a higher level of knowledge in the subject.

4. Teaching should also be done by reference to standard textbooks for each topic on the subject. This helps the student learn from reliable resources. It is good to mention the name of the textbook or reference at the beginning or end of the class.

Moreover, students should be encouraged to refer to those standard books and online resources if any. This will help them gain more information and also enhance their comprehension and reading ability.

Further, they can score well on the exams due to more detailed information.

5. In the classroom, the teacher should provide proper support and encouragement for pupils. The children must feel free to approach with any questions regarding the subject or career they have in their minds.

6. Also, he should encourage the students to take notes in the class. This helps them improve their writing skills, understand better and stay attentive in class.

 See the advantages of note-taking.Demonstrating in lab - Role of Teacher in Classroom

7. A teacher has to use effective teaching strategies like the use of chalkboards, videos, pictures, animations to impart the knowledge easily.

8. The knowledge has to be imparted to pupils within a short time, in a most understandable way using effective teaching strategies like academic software. This is because the attention span of students is for the first 10 to 15 minutes. If the topic is presented in an interesting manner, the attention can last up to 30 to 45 min. Hence,  teaching fast is better.

9. A teacher has to let the students understand the aspects of career growth, scholarships available, prospects in a particular field, etc.

Further, he must make them aware of better universities and colleges around for higher education. Many students do not know better options for future studies if they do not have informed parents or friends who could guide them.

10. When a student has some problems in behavior or thought process. Then, the teacher’s role is to help a student overcome the problem by showing special affection and attention to the student.

11. A teacher can solve many of the problems of the student concerning his thoughts, behavior, career, etc. Affection and kind words can bring better changes than harsh and rude behavior towards the student.

Role of Teachers in Education

Education is necessary for politicians, businessmen, artists, farmers, religious patrons, students, etc.

Some of the great teachers were the reason for the political and industrial revolutions around the world. Their vision helped various societies to gain self-sufficiency and financial freedom.

Some of them helped in the spread of knowledge and the establishment of good educational institutes.

Education is vast, and it has grown to a large extent in the last century. Many fields related to science, commerce, arts have expanded, and the area of study is huge. So considering these developments, a teacher has to update himself on the better education of the student.

1. A teacher has to imbibe the education of his subject to a full extent possible to deliver when needed.

2. He has to write books, articles, conduct seminars, etc. to publicize the knowledge needed to society.

3. The education system has to be designed and taught so that the learners can do some sort of service to society after attaining it.

4. He should avoid creating confusion or misrepresenting of education to students and society.Role of Teacher

5. Due to many courses available for study, there is also a good level of confusion among parents and students to select the courses of study regarding job prospects and career aspirations.

So he should guide in such a way it is beneficial to the student in the long run without just thinking of monetary gains to the school or education institute.

6. An ideal teacher has to set himself or herself as role models for upcoming teachers.

If you are new to teaching then through this guide on how to be an effective teacher.

Teaching career requires dedication, honesty, affection, and patience.

So, the career of teaching should not be taken up just for livelihood but instead for self-satisfaction and social development.

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  1. It is true that if there is no teacher then there is no education.This essay helped me very much. Thank you so much.

  2. the role of a teacher can as well to be a learning aid. Him/ herself, a teacher can be a learning aid for students. this is because, students always copy and try to mimic what the teacher does. if a teacher does irrelevant things, the students get irrelevant feedback and they may change their lives negatively.

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    Thank you very much guys
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